In 2020, ASD Bros Rugby was established, with Isabella Potì becoming the youngest woman in Italy to hold the position of President.

The Project
In 2020, ASD Bros Rugby was founded by Michelin-starred chef Floriano Pellegrino, former rugby player, and notable individuals from business and sports.
It's affiliated with FIR (Italian Rugby Federation) and Zebre Rugby Club since March 2021. ASD Bros Rugby also manages the Vittorio Stadium in Trepuzzi and competes in the Serie C championship in the 'Puglia - Basilicata' area.

Play Bros’, Play Rugby
We launched 'Play Bros, Play Rugby' to offer young athletes with a passion for both cooking and rugby a comprehensive education in the restaurant industry without sacrificing the passion for the oval ball.

Bros’ Academy
Bros' Rugby Academy courses are designed for children and youth aged 6 to 11 who want to explore the world of rugby. Our training focuses on developing and honing the skills, both technical and personal, of young individuals, enhancing their physical and athletic abilities.
TRAINING LOCATION AND TIMES: Training sessions are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Attilio Adamo Cittdella, Sports Center in Martignano.
Practices are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Cittadella, Sport Attilio Adamo Sports Center in Martignano, located at Via Pablo Neruda, 73020 Martignano LE.
Registration can be done in two ways:
- At the office of the Bros´ Rugby Academy, Via Ludovico Maremonti 15, 73100 Lecce, by appointment.
- By email by sending all the necessary documentation mentioned below.
For more information you can contact the Rugby Bros Academy secretariat at +39 349 820 5872, or by sending an email to
500 euros per season per child
Family discount: for second and/or third child 300 euros
Fee includes:
- 2 trainings per week of 1 hour each;
- 1 training kit;
- FIR membership and FIR insurance coverage
Each member will receive a Bros’ Rugby kit that includes:
- Hoodie
- Pants
- Backpack
For practice, the dress code required is total black, with no visible logos.
- Medical certificate of fitness for non-competitive sports for children under the age of 9, and a certificate of fitness for competitive sports for children under the age of 11
- Application for admission to the ASD
- Photocopy F/B ID card of parent and minor
- Form 12 FIR duly completed
- Privacy form
It is possible to make payment in 2 installments. The first one of 300€ is to be paid at the time of enrollment, the second one of 200€ after 90 days of enrollment.
Alternatively, it is possible to pay in one sum during enrollment at the discounted price of 450€. Methods of payment are:
- Cash: Going by appointment to our office Via Ludovico Maremonti 15 – 73100, Lecce.
- Transfer: On the cc account, Bros Rugby Associazione Sportivo Dilettantistica, BANCA POPOLARE PUGLIESE, IBAN: IT13J0526216080CC0800261295.

Bros’ Rugby is a team for senior athletes coming from national and international clubs that want to rediscover the values and the passion for the oval ball.

go fund me
We’re building the new temple of salentinian and apulian rugby.
Donate and Support the redevelopment of the Vittorio Stadium project.